Welcome Welcome to the OSPO Glossary contributing guide, and thank you for your interest. There are a number of ways you can contribute to this project, which we’ll cover in detail here:
Best Practices Style guide Work on an existing issue Propose new terms OSPO glossary overview The goal of this glossary is to simplify the Open Source Program Office space and thus make it more accessible to people...
<p>Hi there! 👋 Thanks for your interest in contributing to the TODO Glossary project. Whether you contribute new terms, help localize the Glossary into your native language, or want to help others get started, there are many ways to become an active member of this community. This doc outlines the different contributor roles within the project and the responsibilities and privileges that come with them.</p>
<li>Contributors The Glossary is for everyone.</li>
This style guide will help you understand the Glossary audience, definition structure, required level of detail, and how to maintain a consistent style.
The OSPO Glossary follows the following rules:
Use simple, accessible language, avoiding technical jargon and buzzwords Avoid colloquial language Use literal and concrete language Omit contractions Use passive voice sparingly Aim to phrase statements in a positive form No exclamation marks outside of quotations Do not exaggerate Avoid repetition Be concise Audience The Glossary is written for a technical AND non-technical audience...